Matt’s Top 10 Immune System Boosters
Matt Johnson, manager at our Florence, Kentucky store, was the speaker on October 10th during our Facebook Live event. Below is a list of the products he discussed that he personally uses for himself and his family as well as our Healthy Alternative staff. Use these separate or in a combination to fight off cold, flu, sinus problems, viruses and use them regularly to prevent sickness. If you missed the live video event, visit our Facebook page to watch the complete presentation.
- Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract
- Barleans Olive Leaf Complex
- Wakunaga KYO Dophilus 9
- Source Naturals Wellness Formula
- Solaray Sinus Source
- Solaray QBC Plex
- Terry Naturally Bacteril
- North American Herb Oreganol
- Silver Biotics Liquid
- Gaia Black Elderberry Syrup