Top Question On Turmeric
Tony Hause, owner of Healthy Alternative Markets, has discussions daily with customers looking for his guidance and knowledge on how to improve their health.
He takes pride in providing personal assistance to our customers and sharing the newest and best options available. So we asked him to participate in this new informative email by providing a top question many are asking him.
Today we are sharing his top question and answer on turmeric.
“I get a question about turmeric about once a day. It usually is about which one should I take and does it really work. Science has gotten involved in herbology in a big way over the last twenty years. In the case of turmeric and some other notable herbs, they have concentrated their efforts on bioavailability and retention in the tissues/body. The problem with turmeric is there is a limit to how much your body can absorb and actually use.The research is overwhelming on the effectiveness of turmeric as an anti-inflammatory. It works great with bromelain and boswella ( an Indian herb). It has been shown effective for brain health, cancer treatment (lots of research ongoing) diabetes, digestion, obesity and heart disease.
I have two “go to” brands of turmeric. They both have advanced science behind them and they are patented. Solgar’s Full Spectrum Curcumin (185x greater bioavailability than regular turmeric) and Europharma’s Curamed. We have excellent customer feedback on the effectiveness of both of these products. They both cost a bit more than the traditional turmeric, but are well worth the additional investment.”